ZURMUEHLE JUERG - Auf der Suche nach dem wahren Ton - 2CD
  • ZURMUEHLE JUERG - Auf der Suche nach dem wahren Ton - 2CD

ZURMÃœHLE JÃœRG - Auf der Suche nach dem wahren Ton

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Double CD: A story based on the novel „Kaito“ by Hans Kruppa. A poetic fairy tale about trying to find love and completion. Driven by a dark longing,

Preiscode: 105 / Total time: 145 min / EAN: 9006639609202 / ISBN: 978-3-900006-92-1


Double CD: A story based on the novel „Kaito“ by Hans Kruppa. A poetic fairy tale about trying to find love and completion. Driven by a dark longing, 13-year-old Kaito leaves his home village to travel to a country in the Far East, towards an unknown destination. On his way he joins a busker, falls in love with Miata, the girl with the sad eyes – and meets Togana, the master of the bamboo flute, who agrees to teach him.
Pricecode: 105 / Total time: 145 min / EAN: 9006639609202 / ISBN: 978-3-900006-92-1


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Available from stock