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SWADHISTANA & MANIPURA CHAKRA - Rhythmic tabla-music for chackra meditation - Navel Chakra & Sacral Chakra.
Tome total: 60 min / EAN: 9006639193046
SWADHISTANA & MANIPURA CHAKRA - Rhythmic tabla-music for chackra meditation - Navel Chakra & Sacral Chakra. In oriental cultures (Tibet, Nepal, India) sounds and rhythms - designed to harmonise the vibrations of the body, mind and soul - have played a central role in the healing processes for thousands of years. This Tabla music (drums) from the Vedic tradition has a healing effect on the Chakras.
Code: 100 / Tome total: 60 min / EAN: 9006639193046
SWADHISTANA & MANIPURA CHAKRA - Rhythmic tabla-music for chackra meditation - Navel Chakra & Sacral Chakra.
Tome total: 60 min / EAN: 9006639193046