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Klassische Indische Meditationsmusik aus der Vedischen Tradion nach den Tageszeiten
MP3 Download der kompletten CD als ZIP File
Classical Indian music for meditation on the tvedic tradition played on the daytimes.
Dr. Pt. Amar Nath Mishra (sitar)
- born 1943 in Kabir Chaura, Varanasi, belongs to one of the great families of musicians in Benares.
He began to play sarangi and tabla at the age of six. Inspiered by Pt. Ravi Shankar he began to study sitar. He became disciple of Pt. Srichand Mishra a great vocalist and sitar-guru of his time.
1966 first position in sitar-playing in the all India competition -1971 master of music in sitar-playing - 1973 Bachelor of music in tabla-playing -1988 he became doctor of music at the Benares Hindu University and is a A-class artist approved from All India Radio. He is teaching and performing at colleges and universities in India and many other countries. Together with his friends he founded the group „BRAMHANAD“ and played exclusively for POLYGLOBEmusic - Austria on two CDs traditional ved-music for meditation at the daytimes.
Pt. Santosh Kumar Mishra (sarangi)
- born 1956 in Varanasi, belongs to one of the great families of musicians in Benares.
After Bachelor in vocals he began to study the sarangi-playing. His uncle Pt. Narayah Das Mishra teached him the mastery of sarangi playing. 1976 gold medal in the All Indian Radio competition -
A-class artist at All India Radio where he performs weekly - Winner of the the Sur Mani Award at Bombay. Performances all over the world. Together with his friends he founded the group „BRAMHANAD“ and played exclusively for POLYGLOBEmusic - Austria on two CDs traditional ved-music for meditation at the daytimes.
Pt. Shyam Kumar Mishra (tabla)
- born 1952 in Benares, belongs to a great Benares-family of musicians and composeres of the kathak-dances. He started playing tablas at the age of six.
Today he is the first tabla-player at All Indian Radio and teaches since seven years at the „College of Music“ at the Hindu University of Benares. 1972 winner of the gold medal for playing tablas for twelve and a half hours continuous. Shyam Kumar Mishra performs every year all over the world. 1993 he played special tabla-music for harmonising the chakras & stimulation the kundalini on a set of four CDs.Together with his friends he founded the group „BRAMHANAD“, and played exclusively for POLYGLOBEmusic - Austria on two CDs traditional ved-music for meditation at the daytimes.
Klassische Indische Meditationsmusik aus der Vedischen Tradion nach den Tageszeiten
MP3 Download der kompletten CD als ZIP File